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Multicultural Information Centre

The Multicultural Information Centre website is full of information about Icelandic society and various practical matters, available in most languages. Anyone new to Iceland and has questions or needs assistance will find help there. All services are free and confidential and offered by counselors in many languages.

Have a live chat with a counselor by clicking on the chat bubble on the website.

Email mcc@vmst.is with inquiries, to book a visit, or to set up a video call.

The phone number is (+354) 450-3090

Guide for British citizens seeking work in Iceland

Post-Brexit, there have been some changes for British citizens seeking to work and live in Iceland. The UK Government has compiled a guide for UK citizens called Living in Iceland.

Facebook Groups for Expats

Icelanders enthusiastically embrace Facebook groups. There seems to be a dedicated group for everything—knitting, vegans, cat fanciers, sports practices, gardening Q&As and used furniture deals.

Here are some general groups focused on living in Iceland:

English-speaking news in Iceland

Driving and public transportation

Iceland does not have trains, but it has an extensive public transportation system that consists of public and private buses.

Public Bus

An extensive network of public yellow Strætó buses connects within the city and select regional stops in Iceland. Plan your trip using the Stræto (Iceland Public Bus Network) website or download the Strætó app in your respective store for mobile planning, the current schedule, rates, and rules. Unfortunately, late-night bus service is rare, and taxis are the main means of transport to home after a long night out.

Tourism Buses

Private tour buses run in the summertime to visit tourist attractions and provide access to scenic places. Some of these buses are specifically designed for off-road travel and river crossings.

Tips for the road 

In many ways, there are challenges to driving in Iceland that you will not find elsewhere. Pavement that ends abruptly, one-lane bridges, livestock on the roads, and tourists so awestruck by the scenery that they feel it is necessary to stop in the middle of the road to take pictures! While driving some roads, the weather can be harrowing with gale-force winds, snow, and thick fog. In July!

A short video from Iceland Academy about driving in Iceland.

Here is everything you need to know about cycling in Iceland.

Driver’s license

Before driving a car in Iceland, ensure you have a valid driving license.

A valid driving license with a license number, a photograph, a valid date, and Latin letters will temporarily allow you to drive legally in Iceland. Tourists can stay in Iceland for up to three months without a residence permit. During that time, you can drive in Iceland, given that you have a valid driving license and have reached 17, the legal driving age in Iceland for cars.

If your foreign driving license is not written in Latin letters, you must also have an international license to show along with your normal license. For more information on driving and useful links: