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House and apartment hunting

Even for Icelanders, one of the main challenges of living here is finding affordable housing. We won't sugar coat it—the cost of living is very high in Iceland, ranking up there with Switzerland and Norway. While these are terrific countries to be compared to, it makes for a very tough market. A massive influx of tourists and short-term rentals have radically changed the housing market. Ideally, you will probably need a few months to find a place that meets your needs and is not too outrageously expensive. Asking Icelanders for help, for example, your new colleagues is probably the best way to search for a place. It is common to ask for 2-3 months' rent upfront as a deposit. Do not sign a lease unseen! Make sure to check out the listing before you sign the bottom line.

Here are some websites and Facebook groups (yes, more Facebook groups) for rental housing:

Please note that "Höfuðborgarsvæðið" means "the capital area."

101 Reykjavik is downtown, and 107 and 105 are the postal codes within walking distance of downtown. 103, 104, 108, and 109 are a bit farther away but still accessible with public transportation or cycling.  

The types of housing that apply to houses and apartments are: Einbýlishús - single-family home

Fjölbýlishús - apartment

Raðhús - row house

Parhús - duplex

Hæð - floor (of a building)

Select the checkboxes after picking which neighborhoods you are interested in in the search sites. "Tilboð" means that you can make an offer. Usually, this is only used when they expect a very high price.

Interested in buying a property? Visit:

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